Hereford Times: Small Farming Logo 2022

This category is open to those who are making positive steps in the field of green energy and environmental farming. This award also recognizes organic farmers who practice outstanding land stewardship, innovation and outreach; perhaps by producing energy themselves or adopting ways to conserve energy. Judges are looking for pioneers in this new era in farming and want to see efforts to reduce the carbon footprint and use of energy in the day to day running of the farm. The award recognises the farmer who has truly pushed the boundaries of farming and diversification, also the farmer who combines an unprecedented blend of innovation, creativity, and uniqueness to their customer.

Entries to this award will be judged by our panel of judges and the finalists and winner decided solely from the information in the judging pack.

Fields maked with * are mandatory. Please note that this entry form cannot be saved and doesn’t have spell check. We advise doing a draft in word before pasting your entry in the boxes below.

Nomination Details

Company or organisation*

Nominated person (if applicable)*

Nomination Name

Nomination Phone Number*

Nomination Email Address*

Nomination Address*

Nomination Website Address*

Your Facebook

Your Contact Details

Your Name*

Your Phone Number (if known)*

Your Email Address (if known)*

Your Address (if known)*


Entries to this award will be judged by our panel of judges and the finalists and winner decided solely from the information in the judging pack.

1. Why should you win this award?*

2. What is your proudest achievement over the last 12 months?*

3. How have you fulfilled the above category criteria? *