A HEREFORD couple who travelled to Greece to undergo fertility treatment in a bid to become parents have been told they are expecting twins.

Kirsty and Kyle Morgan have been desperate to become parents for the past five years but were unable to conceive naturally and their one shot at IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) on the NHS here in Herefordshire failed.

Not to be outdone, they raised enough money to travel to a clinic in Athens where one course of the fertility treatment costs about £3,500 - roughly half as much as the UK, with a better success rate.

Last month they were given the news they had dreamt of when Kirsty, who is 27, discovered she was expecting.

But following a scan in the past week, the couple have now been told it's twins.

"It was brilliant news," said Kyle, 32.

"We were both in tears. It was just amazing.

"We just want to say a massive thank you to everyone. It means everything to us."

The couple, who live off Holme Lacy Road, South Wye, will wait until the birth to find out the sex of their babies, but say they don't mind "as long as they're healthy".

Kirsty did say, however, that they would like to involve others in the naming procedure by asking people to come up with ideas as a thank-you for the support they have been given.

"It's just amazing that everyone wanted to help," she said.

"It really restores your faith in people."

Things haven't gone smoothly since returning to the UK last month as Kirsty spent time in Hereford County Hospital suffering from a severe bout of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome - a common side effect for women who have been through IVF treatment.

Thankfully, she is now on the mend and recovering at home.

But despite what the couple have been through recently, the news doesn't mean they will be putting their feet up any time soon as they now plan to raise money to help others who have been in the same boat as them.

They would also like to set-up a charity in the future to help would-be parents.

And they haven't forgotten about those at the Greek clinic who helped them achieve their dream.

"They were fantastic," said Kirsty. "We can't thank them enough.

"They were over the moon when we told them. We would love to take our children over there one day to meet the staff there."