ROAD safety played an important part in a presentation to Hereford school pupils about the dangers of taking risks.

Pupils at Whitecross School and Specialist Sports College learned about the danger of making choices that could change their lives forever in a Smartrisk Heroes' presentation.

Injury survivor Michael Buckley, who became disabled after a horrifying accident, told pupils of the importance of keeping safe when they are travelling on the county's roads.

He told pupils about the importance of using seat belts in cars and helmets on cycles and motorcycles in a presentation to develop their risk management so they can take smart risks' - informed choices about how to stay safe.

"If you are involved in a crash you are 20 times less likely to be killed or hurt if you buckle up," he said.

"It's also important to look first before you cross the road because, if you don't, you won't even know what hit you." Mr Buckley also had some advice for pupils once they start to drive themselves.

"It is essential you get some sort of driving training before you get out on the roads.

"Concentrate 100% and be fully alert - not mucking about with mobiles or the car stereo or turning round talking to people in the back."

Mr Buckley, who broke his neck when jumping into shallow water from a bridge, told pupils: "I was once fit and healthy.

"I never thought this could happen to me and if it can happen to me it can happen to you - that is why I want you to protect yourselves.

"In most cases accidents are predictable and preventable. I want you to be very careful about all the choices you make."

The presentation, hosted by Herefordshire Council, also visited Hereford's Wyebridge Sports College, Leominster's Minster College and Bromyard's Queen Elizabeth College.