HEREFORD Times recently reported that Hereford Islamic Society’s plans for a community sector off Canal Road had been rejected (Islamic centre plan thrown out despite strong support, March 7).

“Among the 39 submissions supporting the bid, Mohamed Hassan said: ‘As a resident of Hereford, I find it very important to have a mosque here’,” the Hereford Times reported.

Hurrah for quoting that resident.

My religious heritage is Christian, yet I feel that widespread ignorance of Islam and other faiths needs to be addressed. There are people in and around Hereford who follow other faiths and practices, including Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, as well as various strands of Christian following.

What are your thoughts?

You can send a letter to the editor to have your say by clicking here.

Letters should not exceed 250 words and local issues take precedence.

By way of an internet search, I also know that there is already a Three Counties Liberal Jewish Community.

Perhaps the Hereford Times could do more to promote awareness of our rich diversity, via occasional opinion or Talking Point columns by members of these various religious faiths, outlining the heritage of their faith tradition in general and with Herefordshire, especially when the new housing development boom in the county seems to be not just for homeless Hereford-born folk but what is known by officials of various London boroughs as ‘out of borough placements’ and more commonly known as ‘social cleansing’.

