It is with some concern that I read that Hereford Council is considering embarking upon a refurbishment of the 'old' City Centre. Not so much the idea itself, but the fact that the Council has once again suggested that the plans will go out for consultation - a noble sentiment! However, to my recollection, the plans for the re-development of the Old Cattle Market ('new' City Centre) were vigorously opposed by the constituents of Hereford when consulted, but the Council went ahead regardless, at not inconsiderable expense, using a PFI - which we will continue to repay for many years to come. And indeed, this redevelopment might be considered a significant factor in the current state of the 'old' City Centre.

This is a plea for the Council to become a representative body and do as they should, which is to use the consultation process to consult and listen, and as a consequence carry out the 'will of the people'. Something which all politicians might do well to heed.

Dr Jayne Wright
