Hereford Times: Three Counties Farmer Farming Awards 2020

Farming Hero Award

Awarded to the person in recognition of their outstanding contribution and enthusiastic approach who can demonstrate that they go the extra mile. This is open to all agricultural based individuals from farmers to labourers, consultants, advisors, contractors and specialists.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Your Details


Phone Number*

Email Address*


Nomination Details

Name/Organisation Name*

Phone Number (if known)

Email Address (if known)

Address (if known)

Social Media Link (Twitter/Facebook if relevant)


1. Why should you/they win this award? *

2. What does your/their role entail? *

3. How are you/they making a difference on a daily basis? *

4. How long have you/they been doing the role? *

5. Any other matters of significance? *