Hereford Times: Three Counties Farmer Farming Awards 2020

Sheep Farmer of the Year

This award recognises the skills of a sheep farmer who has demonstrated a comprehensive approach to the management of their flock which includes consideration of the breeding programme, selection of rams, parasitic control, grassland management, rationing protocols and measures of performance. In addition, they will have a clear understanding of their costs, a marketing approach to selling their animals and a strategy for the future development of the business. The business will also be able to demonstrate/refer to external advice and services used to support the business.

Each nominee should provide a 100 word (minimum) summary regarding their farm enterprise (e.g. farm size, flock/herd, other enterprises on the farm, any diversification, technology on the farm etc.) to give an overall flavour regarding the size and type of farm being discussed.

In addition each nomination should include a 100 word summary of the farm’s approach regarding each of the six criteria relating to that category. These are:-

  • Enterprise performance
  • Use of technology
  • Environmental considerations
  • Contribution to the community/agricultural industry
  • Vision/Marketing Strategy
  • Farm Safety

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Your Details


Phone Number*

Email Address*


Nomination Details

Name/Organisation Name*

Phone Number (if known)

Email Address (if known)

Address (if known)

Social Media Link (Twitter/Facebook if relevant)


1. Please provide a summary of your farming enterprise *

2. Outline your farming enterprise performance *

3. Outline your use of technolology *

4. Outline your environmental considerations *

5. Outline your contribution to the community/agricultural industry *

6. Outline your vision/marketing strategy *

7. Outline your approach to farm safety *