PAYMENTS to the 350 victims of the Marches Credit Union liquidation have been made by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

Cheques for those who had over £1,000 in savings deposited with the Kington-based union were sent out in the post on Tuesday.

Police investigations continue into the collapse of a union that held around £160,000 in deposits from members both sides of the Welsh border.

Those with savings less than £1,000 can claim their compensation in cash from any Post Office with valid identification.

A letter was sent out, also on Tuesday, telling those members to collect their payment within three months by presenting two forms of identification.

Claimants must present the letter along with either;



- Passport

- Driving Licence

- National ID card

- UK armed forces card

- UK police warrant card

- Birth certificate.


AND one of;


- TV license

- Government department letter

- Local authority letter

- Utility bill (less than three months old)

- Bank statement (less than three months old).