100 CLUB - The May draw took place in the Red Lion Inn hosted by Stas and Sue. First prize of £50 was won by Rob Grunsell with ticket number 89; £25 by Peter and Laura Matthews, number 91; £15 by Pat Hammond, number 55; and £10 by Pru Cartwright. The next draw will take place 8pm on June 6, in the Red Lion Inn.

Contact Sarah Morgan on 01981 500155 for details and further information.

FLORA AND FAUNA EVENING - This takes place in St Andrew’s churchyard, Bredwardine, on May 25, at 7.30pm. Under the expert guidance of Rob Widdicombe, come and explore the beautiful surroundings of the church and find out about the plants and creatures living there.

Also learn about bat sonar detecting equipment and see how it works as the bats come out in the evening; if the weather is fine they hope to go down to the river and watch them there, too. Please bring a picnic to enjoy afterwards, in the churchyard or inside the church if wet. Adults £5, children free. All proceeds will go to St Andrew’s Church. For further information, call Charlotte Sellars on 01981 500281.

2014 CALENDAR - The calendar is now being complied and photos of the Bredwardine and Brobury area are being sought. Photos for consideration should be emailed to nandcsellar@yahoo.co.uk before September, so there is plenty of time to get cameras out and start shooting.

LOCAL CORRESPONDENT - If you have Bredwardine and Brobury news or events for County Times, please call Kari Lawson on 01981 501077 or email karimlawson@me.com.