AN exhibition of work by Claire Griffiths, Doug Eaton and Steve Johnston opens at the Greenstage Gallery in Bishops Frome on Saturday, running until June 23.

Claire’s work is sensitive and elegiac in nature, showing her personal response to the environment from which she draws her work; she finds revelation in the seemingly ordinary, such as domestic scenes, landscape and portraiture.

Steve Johnston is always drawn to figures that create a great shape. “The aim,” he says, “is to portray an essence and emotion rather than a welldefined and precise person or location.”

Doug Eaton, who is based in the Forest of Dean, exhibits widely.

“I’ve always been interested in what paint does and hopefully have applied it in as many different ways as my imagination will allow.

“Logically, I should be entirely abstract, but instead I lean towards landscape type themes to hang paint on.”

For further details, call GreenStage Gallery on 01885 490839 or email