CHURCH - There is a benefice service on Sunday at 11am at Eardisland. There will be no communion service at Aymestrey on July 7 but on that date there will be a benefice pet service at 11am at Kingsland when members of the congregation are invited to bring along their small pets (dogs on leads and cats in baskets please). The service will be followed by a pet show on the village green AYMESTREY VILLAGE FETE - There will be a final meeting of the fete committee on Wednesday at 8pm in the parish hall. Plans are now well underway for this year’s fete which will be held on July 20 in the orchard behind the village hall from 1pm. The events in the arena start with children’s races and will be followed by the fun dog show. There will be the usual attractions – whack the rat, coconuts, tombola, bottle stall and the ever popular home produce stall, selling cakes and jams etc.

as well as many others, and the afternoon wouldn’t be complete without the now traditional tug of war. The produce competition will be held in a marquee in the orchard. It will be open for entries from 12.45pm and will close at 1.30pm. Judging will start at 1.45pm. Schedules for the produce show and the rules for the dog show can be found in the forthcoming edition of Aymestrey Matters, the parish newsletter.

Volunteers who able to help with setting up the larger marquees are asked to meet on July 19 at 10.30am at the parish hall. This year, for the first time, stall holders will be allocated a location and will be provided with a table and gazebo, but they are requested to arrive about half an hour before the start time to set their stalls up themselves. People wishing to make donations for the raffle, produce, bottle, plant, and tombola stalls or to volunteer as a helper are asked to ring Meg Thorpe on 780384, Ruth Scamp on 790031 or Ken Holland on 770367.

Cakes are also kindly requested for the refreshment tent.

AYMESTREY CALENDAR 2014 - The 2014 calendar photo competition will be judged on the day of Aymestrey fete. Please bring along a hard copy of your photo on the day or email Helen Hamilton at bluesome@ or by post to Little Covenhope, HR6 9SY.