HEREFORD Cathedral will host a carol concert with a military theme on December 19 at 7pm.

The Daily Mail's Quentin Letts, who lives in Herefordshire, will be speaking about the army at the concert organised by ABF The Soldiers’ Charity.

Mr Letts’ grandfather served in the army in the Second World War and was one of those involved in the D Day landings at Normandy.

Sarah Adams, whose son James Prosser was killed in Afghanistan while serving with The Royal Welsh regiment, will also be speaking.

Hereford Youth Concert Band and Hereford Police Male Choir will perform traditional carols along with St Martins Primary School Choir.

Tickets range from £5 to £15, with children under 14 free- limited to two per adult. Buy tickets from the Hereford Cathedral shop, The Outback in Church Street or go to