A COUNTY charity is calling on volunteers to join its Churchyard Task Team to carry out vital conservation tasks.

The Churchyard Task Team is organised by the Caring for God's Acre charity and the programme of practical conservation tasks in historic, rural churches in Herefordshire and South Shropshire is being launched during national volunteers week on June 5.

Volunteer Co-ordinator, Hilary Smith said: "Many of these historic and important wildlife areas are lovingly cared for by local people, but they often need some extra help with larger projects."

She added: "The Task Team, with funding from the Heritage Lottery, will provide transport, tools, skills and training for volunteers and help to local communities."

Activities include hay cutting, dry-stone wall repairs, making compost bins and step building. Tasks will be weekly, mainly on Tuesdays and are open to anyone over 16 years old.

To find out more or to receive a programme of tasks call 01568 611154 or email info@cfga.fsnet.co.uk.