A CO-OP donation of £4,000 is ensuring a Herefordshire charity can continue to run its community transport scheme for elderly, disabled and disadvantaged people in the county.

The Plynlimon Trust helps people who do not have their own transport or who find it difficult to access public transport, by providing a Life Line Car Scheme and Dial-a-Ride minibus service.

To fund the scheme, the Trust runs a paper shredding department and a second hand bookshop. The grant has helped the group buy a new shredding machine.

As well as helping many elderly people get out and about, the Trust helps people with learning and mental health difficulties by giving them work-based training opportunities.

General manager Alison Hatton said: "We are delighted with this generous donation from the Co-op.

"All profits from the waste paper shredding service go straight back into our project."