SPECIAL attention is being given to two areas of patient care at Hereford County Hospital - help with feeding and speeding up medication for those waiting to go home.

A survey of hospital patients identified both as needing improvement. Now, patients who require help with eating their meals will have them provided on a red tray for easy identification.

And ward-based volunteers have been appointed to help those needing it.

Complaints that patients being discharged are delayed from going home when their medication is not ready is also being tackled. Ward-based medicines management will be rolled out to speed up discharge.

Recently the Healthcare Commission carried out a national survey and 850 patients at the County Hospital were asked for their opinions. Responses were received from 531 people, representing 65% of these.

The most significant progress on a 2005 survey was that patients felt they were being admitted from the waiting list on time.

The hospital performed well on single sex facilities, treating patients with dignity and respect, explaining anaesthetic procedures and giving letters and information on discharge.

Patients wanted more general information for themselves and their relatives and a choice of admission dates for surgery.

The hospital is planning information packs for wards and ways of making staff more available to answer concerns.

Volunteers and Patient Forum representatives are already carrying out regular food tasting and surveys of patients.