A CYCLING club is calling on all those who enjoy travelling on two wheels to enter a race in the Herefordshire countryside.

The Hereford Wheelers have organised the "Come-and-try-it" 10-mile cycle race that will take place on Thursday, June 21.

Event organiser Stuart Edinborough said the race gives any cyclist of any ability on any kind of bike the chance to compete in an official cycling time trial.

He said: "Scores of riders, male and female, with ages ranging from 12 years to over 80, have enjoyed competing previously, making this one of the most popular and successful local events in National Bike Week."

Mr Edinborough added that certificates will be given out to riders beating the target time of one hour.

The event headquarters at Allensmore Village Hall will open at 6pm on race day.

All competitors will need to sign on before 6.45pm and the race starts at 7pm.

The course is on public roads and competitors, whose cycles must be fully roadworthy, need to be at least 12 years old, and have a signed parental consent form (available from Coombes Cycles in Widemarsh Street) if they are under 18.

The entry fee is £2 and further information can be obtained by calling Mr Edinborough on 01432 269700 or by emailing stuarted@waitrose.com