A NEW device aimed at deterring crime and disorder is being trialled by police officers in Herefordshire.

The state-of-the-art head cams attach to a headband worn under a helmet and allow immediate filming when officers are on patrol.

Footage from the cams, which can be used by officers on foot or in vehicles, could then be used as evidence in court, as well as providing a deterrent to offenders.

Superintendent Adam Thomas from Herefordshire Division said: "The head cams will be used to film anti-social behaviour, alcohol-related disorder and other offences witnessed by officers as they go about their patrols.

"The cameras are clearly visible and the instant playback facility means that officers can easily see again who did what in public disorder situations, as well as showing the offenders themselves the poor level of their behaviour," he said.

"In many cases, this will come as a wake-up call."

The six head cams, each costing around £900, will be used by officers of the Hereford Response shifts to begin with, but the cameras will be used across the whole county in the coming months.

"The officers can have the cameras on them at all times of the day, although they are more likely to be used in the evenings and at night," said Supt Thomas.

"This is one more tool to help the public feel safer."

The cameras have been piloted successfully elsewhere in the country and Herefordshire is one of two divisions conducting the head cam trial in the West Mercia area.