HEREFORD Cathedral has been given a £50,000 boost as it embarks on a new programme of restoration.

The Heritage Lottery Fund announced the grant to support the first phase of works and the training of a stonemason apprentice in particular.

The Dean of Hereford, The Very Rev Michael Tavinor, said: "Cathedrals have always played a major role in the preservation and training of craftsmen.

"We are delighted we will be able to give the opportunity to a young person to work on our magnificent building and benefit from the knowledge of our experienced on-site team of masons from Capps & Capps Ltd. The only way to ensure that there are highly skilled stonemasons of the future is to provide training now."

Heritage Lottery Fund regional manager Anne Jenkins said: "Stonemasonry is an extremely important skill, which it is vital to support if we are to save our historic built heritage for the future.

"Without new stonemasons, we would struggle to be able to restore buildings like Hereford Cathedral for future generations so it is essential that these skills are passed on to new trainees."

The project to restore the high level masonry of the side of the nave overlooking the Lady Arbour and facing the river will take up to five years to complete, subject to sufficient funding being available.

It is hoped the work will be completed by the spring of 2012. Additional funding for the first phase is also being provided by the Wolfson Foundation/ English Heritage cathedrals scheme.

For more details on the restoration, call the Hereford Cathedral Perpetual Trust on 01432 374261 or email org