SATURDAY saw the village of Fownhope uphold a tradition which dates back more than 120 years.

The first Heart of Oak walk was held in 1876 by the Heart of Oak Friendly Society, and was held each year on May 29 to commemorate Oak Apple Day.

For a number of years now, the society has not been able to help out villagers and local farmers financially, as was its original purpose, but the annual walk through the village keeps going strong.

Around 60 members, aged from just four to 71, proudly carried sticks covered with flowers on the walk, while villagers enjoyed entertainment courtesy of morris dancers, Brownies and a local band.

Rowland Clarke had the honour of being recognised as the person with the best decorated stick.

Villager Rosabelle Andrews described the walk as "one of the best ever", adding that the weekend's fine weather and a great turnout made for a memorable day.