THE design framework of the Edgar Street Grid development was revealed at a seminar, when Herefordshire organisations and individuals took the opportunity to voice their opinions.

During the question-and-answer session, issues regarding cycling provisions within the ESG, pedestrian access, and the conservation of the historical elements of the area were raised.

Central ward councillor Mark Hubbard said: "Eight out of every £10 spent in locally-owned businesses stays in the county.

"In this plan, I see opportunities for multinationals to develop this area but not for smaller local business and I think that needs to be taken into account."

Concerns were raised about access to the site by elderly and disabled residents and it was confirmed that it was planned to remove the subway to the ESG for a more attractive proposal.

Prospective Conservative parliamentary candidate for Hereford Jesse Norman said he felt that young people had not been taken into account in the proposals.

Jonathan Bretherton, chief executive of ESG Herefordshire Ltd, said: "For young people, shopping rates highly on their list of hobbies but we are finding a large percentage of people are doing non-grocery shopping elsewhere.

"We want to encourage large companies to locate here not only to improve leisure and social activities but also to provide more employment opportunities."

A public consultation runs until July 6 and there will be an exhibition in the Maylord Orchards shopping centre until Saturday.

Comments will be taken on board and any amendments will be made by October.