Hereford businesses faced with the age-old problem of choosing the right consultancy support are to benefit from a ground-breaking new development.

The West Midlands Supplier Register, a service under the Business Link West Midlands umbrella, will revolutionise the way companies and individuals tap into external expertise.

It works on the basis of providing a quality assured list of hundreds of professional firms that specialise in providing advice and guidance to growing businesses and includes accountants, design and marketing specialists, manufacturing consultants and HR advisers.

Kul Sanghera, director of market development at Business Link West Midlands, said: "There is no limit to the number of business solutions providers we are seeking to engage with, as we want to offer the widest cross-section of expertise ever assembled.

"Business Link's service offer will start by matching specialist advisers to help businesses assess their requirements and evaluate the best way to achieve their objectives.

"Not only does this add real value, but we are providing this service free of charge to companies that can demonstrate growth potential."

Customers' requirements are assessed and either information is provided there and then, or the client is supported by a business adviser, who conducts a more in-depth assessment.

"The adviser and a dedicated client relationship manager will help the business to achieve growth by searching for the best possible solutions via the online register," said Kul.

"Using an agreed set of criteria, they will search through the suppliers for a list of ones that best suit their needs.

"At the very least, we will provide the company with the choice of at least three different organisations.

"Although it will then be up to the business to work with their chosen supplier to improve their performance, they will be supported by their relationship manager throughout this process."

The potential for the register is huge and Business Link West Midlands is keen for interested organisations to apply by initially expressing an interest in joining the database by visiting Kul has big plans for the register. While the first year will be used to expand the list of approved experts, identify and engage niche suppliers to fill gaps in provision and encourage ratings from the end user, work is already under way to develop a customer facing brand that could become a search engine for locating business support.

Kul said: "We are confident the register will provide an excellent matching service that provides effective solutions to bespoke business requirements.

"Ultimately, we want it to become a best practice product that is the envy of other regions and countries."