AN IT systems firm which provides software solutions for office products dealers is the latest tenant to move on to the Leominster Enterprise Park.

Heart Systems has moved operations, along with nine employees, to the new offices at Owen Way.

The firm was based in Leominster town centre but with ambitious expansion plans ahead, needed space to grow.

The new offices have enough space to accommodate 30 staff, meeting and training rooms and ample car parking. Rooms are fitted with energy efficient lighting systems which turn off if the room is unoccupied. There is even an onsite gym and a shower room for staff.

Managing director Helen Murphy said: "Both our staff and our customers are set to benefit from our move. The extra car parking is fantastic and the out-of-town location gives us more space in a greener setting. We have been able to provide an outdoor seating area for staff to relax on their breaks and a kitchen area, both of which we didn't have in our previous premises."

Henriette Lyttle-Breukelaar, partnerships director at Advantage West Midlands, said: "I am delighted to welcome Heart Systems to Leominster Enterprise Park and wish it all the very best with its expansion plans."

Councillor Roger Phillips, leader of Herefordshire Council, said "I'm delighted another growing business has invested its future in the park."

Leominster Enterprise Park is a the flagship project in a new property regeneration partnership - known as PxP - between Advantage West Midlands and Langtree Group plc/Bank of Scotland Corporate.