A HEREFORD mum has sent out a warning to parents across the city after having a large tent stolen from her garden.

Helen Nunn, of Southbank Road, says people should be made aware of the risks when allowing children to camp out in the back garden.

She said: "It was a large eight man tent, which takes at least half an hour to take down, and is quite heavy, it's amazing that I didn't hear them as my bedroom is right above where the tent was.

"It is also very worrying because there were eight 14 year-olds sleeping in it a couple of days before, and people always assume it will be fine to allow their kids to sleep in a tent in the garden.

"It's also the time of year when groups of young people camp out in the meadows, and I would just tell them to be wary of anyone trying to sell them a cheap tent because it is probably stolen property."