A CHARITY auction led by Hereford auctioneer Bill Jackson has raised over £30,000 for Spinal Research West Midlands.

Bill Jackson, auctioned prizes in front of 160 Cranfield University Alumni in the prestigious Long Room at Lords Cricket Ground, London.

He had agreed to take part for Colin Javens, who recently set up the Spinal Research West Midlands branch, based in Hereford, which is focussed on funding a cure for spinal cord injury.

Colin, who is paralysed from the shoulders down, established the charity on his return from an expedition where he drove an adapted Land Rover from Hereford to Cape Town, a world first for anybody with his level of disability.

The expedition was supported by Cranfield University and every year they organise a Sportsman's Dinner in aid of their MBA Sports Fund, and a charity.

Colin said: "It was fantastic to have Bill as our auctioneer and to have a Hereford connection while in London. Bill's vast experience paid off and he worked the crowd magically. I am very grateful for his support."

The donated auction items included, nine nights for four at the Presidential Villa in the Seychelles, a Tanzanite Pendant and a Rolls-Royce experience. The evening was rounded off by Geoff Miller, an ex-England cricketer who shared some of his cricketing stories with the audience.

The evening raised £32,000 and three quarters of that amount will be donated to the West Midlands Branch, leaving a quarter for the needs of the MBA Sports department.