A BRIDE took an unusual trip to church after a last-minute hitch left her without a car to her dream wedding.

Christabel Hunting was all set for her big day until car trouble resulted in an unexpected change of plan.

Dressed in her wedding gown, Christabel (pictured above) was anticipating arriving at church in style until the specially-hired Bentley refused to start.

Not to be deterred Christabel's father Dennis, who was giving her away, decided to thumb a lift in his wedding suit to the church in Madley.

After a number of cars passed along the B4230, a couple stopped to take father and daughter to church.

Christabel's wedding to Benjamin Pattison went ahead, much to the relief of the 300 guests, last Sunday, around 40 minutes late.

Anne Hunting, mother of the bride from Mansell Gamage, said: "My husband flagged the car down in his tails and I'm sure the couple must have gone home and said you will never guess what we have done today.

"Now we want to meet the man and his wife to thank them."

The couple, who were driving a silver Renault Megane, are thought to be in their 50s or 60s and live in Lyonshall. They were on their way back from a car boot sale in Madley.

While waiting for Christabel to turn up Anne's eldest son Adrian, who was about to escort her at the wedding, decided to leave the church and head to his parent's home to find out what had happened to his sister.

Although Adrian was to pass Christabel as she made her way to church in the Renault, he did not realise as he did not recognise the unfamilar car.

Once there, Adrian decided to help the driver re-start the Bentley, missing most of the service but making it back in time for the vows.

"I kept pinching myself and thought am I dreaming this or is it really happening - you could have made a film about it," Anne said. "Christabel saw Adrian but he didn't see her but it turned out to be a wonderful day and a wonderful wedding."

The happy couple were able to make their way to the reception at The Chase Hotel in Ross-on-Wye in the Bentley and then set off to enjoy a honeymoon in London and Portugal.

The thoughtful couple who gave Christabel and Dennis a lift to church are invited to contact Anne on 01981 590357.