BOGUS collectors have been trying to con people into giving money to the Acorns Children's Hospice.

Incidents have been reported in the Hinton area of Hereford and in Ledbury.

Hospice spokeswoman Fran Winterbourn said they were profoundly concerned that badly needed funds could be diverted from services for hundreds of children.

In Hereford, families were approached by conmen wearing Acorns Children's Hospice tabards.

At Ledbury, one resident called the police after a man falsely claimed the hospice was about to close through lack of funds.

Also in Ledbury, "very pushy" conmen were reported by a church group, who said they tried to obtain bank details on a direct debit form.

Police press officer Neil Tipton said Acorns Hospice did not use door-to-door collectors so anyone appearing on the doorstep unannounced was unlikely to be telling the truth.