SUPERMARKET giant Tesco has been granted permission for its south Hereford store to allow its home shopping and delivery service to operate on a Sunday - despite strong opposition from Belmont Parish Council.

The store sought permission for operations - the home shopping and delivery service - to run on Sundays between 9am and 4.30pm.

Existing conditions specified that machinery could not be operated or vehicles could not be loaded in association with deliveries on a Sunday.

Temporary planning permission was granted last year after a new acoustic gate was installed onto Abbotsmead Road.

Planning officers advised that as the main store is already operational on a Sunday, they did not believe that there would be a significant increase in noise levels from the operation.

But they recommended the hours were kept the same as the main store opening hours. The central area planning sub-committee approved the plans subject to the amendment of the time and an advisory letter saying the situation would be monitored.