PEDAL power came to the rescue of police officers in pursuit of a man in Hereford.

Two rickshaw-style pedicabs were commandeered by two officers needing to urgently help colleagues on the city's Castle Green.

A police pursuit unfolded when PC Ann-Marie Rosier and PC Sue Beament received an emergency call from officers trying to arrest a man.

Knowing it would take too long on foot and unable to get there by patrol car, the officers were faced with a dilemma - until Hereford's two pedicabs pedalled into view.

The pedicabs had dropped off a fare and were pressed into police action and their riders - Ben Matthews and Will Vaughan - pedalled furiously to the other side of the Green with the officers on board.

"Our colleagues were some distance away and in need of urgent assistance but we couldn't get there by car," said PC Rosier.

"We knew that if we ran the distance it may take too long and when we arrived we probably would not have been in the best condition to help out our colleagues - so when the pedicabs turned up we used our initiative and hopped on board."

PC Beament added that Will and Ben did a fantastic job.

"They really got into the spirit of it and were ringing their bells to warn people we were coming," she said. "I even tried making a siren noise myself - but the bells were far more effective."

At the scene the officers were quickly able to help with the arrest and the man was taken to Hereford Police Station. He was later remanded into custody.

Both officers have thanked Will and Ben for their public-spirited efforts and a generous tip will be handed over for the impromptu ride.