PLANS to create a new sports block and improve an existing science building at Hereford Cathedral School have been slammed by Hereford City Council as being "overbearing".

The new sports block will house a range of indoor sports facilities and alterations to the science building will provide enhanced science laboratories and preparation areas.

The scheme will include glass towers that will act as a link between the historic street frontage and the new block at the back.

But Hereford City Council has objected to the proposals on the grounds that: "the scheme is too overbearing for the surrounding buildings, out of keeping with the historic conservation area and detrimental to the existing street scene".

The site, which is currently used as a school wildlife area, is at the back of East street.

It is also in a Central Conservation Area and within an Area of Archaeological Importance, as well as being close to several listed buildings. English Heritage has not objected to the scheme.

A planning department report recognises the school currently lacks its own full-sized indoor sports facilities or assembly space, and that the proposals are the result of recommendations from Sport England.

It also stresses that as the scheme would be relatively prominent from vantage points in East Street, the development would need to preserve and enhance the character and appearance of the conservation area.

It was also noted that some informal play' space would be lost but the sport and recreational benefits of the scheme would represent a significant enhancement to the school's facilities.

Planning officers recommended that, due to the presence of Grade II listed buildings, the planning authority could only resolve to approve the application, which should be referred to the Secretary of State for consideration.

At the planning meeting last week, Councillor Mark Hubbard suggested a site visit by the Central Area planning sub-committee before discussing the proposals and making a decision on the plans.