OPEN Farm Sunday captured the imagination of more than 2,000 people across the county who visited one of the many local farms which threw open their gates.

The special day was designed to allow people to experience the sights and sounds of the countryside and farm life in general.

More than 20 Herefordshire farmers took part in Open Farm Sunday and welcomed family, friends and neighbours onto their farms to show what they do to produce wholesome food with environmental care.

Each event was different and activities such as sheep shearing at Pound Farm, Holme Lacy College, strawberries and cream at Pencoyd Court Farm, a farm picnic at Humber Court, Stoke Prior and farm trailer riders at Lower Blakemere Farm were just some of the delights experienced by young and old.

Roger and Jill Williams, from Marston Court Farm, Pembridge, was one of the families to open up their farm to the public.

They had nearly 400 visitors, who enjoyed a packed programme of events put on by the family and their friends.

Mr Williams said: "Our Open Farm Sunday event was a huge success. We were all left feeling shattered but teamwork made the dream work.

"We all had such a great time and members of the public really enjoyed what we had on offer.

"The children were kept busy with lots of activities - the butter making was a huge success, everyone adored the animals, we sold out of ice cream (local brand September Organic, of course) and people really did taste the difference when sampling the hog roast sourced from our home-grown pigs."

Mr Williams added: "It was very satisfying to see the interest shown in how a farm is run and where food is produced."

Profits made from refreshments on the day raised about £200 for the Charles Renton Unit Appeal.

Meanwhile, Guy Tobin was one of the many visitors to Pound Farm at Holme Lacy College.

"I have lived in the country all my life but never bothered to really look at farming so this was really interesting and an eye opener to what happens on my doorstep," he said.

Organised nationally by LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming), and supported locally by Herefordshire Rural Hub, Herefordshire Partnership and Herefordshire NFU, the day offered something for everyone with the huge array of events put on by the county's farming community. But, most importantly, the day helped to bring home the message that farms do matter.