PLANS to revolutionise the way public services are provided in Herefordshire go out for public consultation next week.

It is described as the most important consultation programme ever embarked on in the county and every man and woman is urged to take part.

The future of Herefordshire, its identity and whether it is able to dictate its own affairs in the future, could be at stake.

Herefordshire Council and Herefordshire Primary Care Trust want to forge closer links through the formation of a Herefordshire Public Services Trust, pooling their resources and sharing their expertise to provide better value for money for taxpayers and to safeguard services The two authorities are jointly working on a new model of local government, the first of its kind in the country.

It has caught the attention of the government, the Department of Health and the West Midlands Strategic Health Authority and the interest of many other councils across the country.

If it ever comes to fruition and proves successful it could be adopted as the way forward for councils and health authorities in England.

The council and the PCT have decided to take this brave and pioneering step largely to try and cushion Herefordshire from being swallowed up by neighbouring counties or health authorities with decisions affecting local people being taken elsewhere.

Herefordshire is geographically one of the largest local authority and PCT areas in the West Midlands but, with 170,00 people, has one of the smallest populations.

Because of this, its viability to stand alone is always open to question.

There are fears the county could again be annexed to a neighbouring county or, even worse, split up between several of them.

Last year, the PCT narrowly escaped the axe when the government drastically reduced numbers, merging many together, including those in Worcestershire, where three went into one.

By getting together, the council and the PCT believe they can forge a strong organisation, better to fight off any take-over proposals, keeping key decision making for Herefordshire people in Herefordshire.