A HEREFORD man who investigated the Fred and Rosemary West case has been made an MBE for services to the police.

David Griffiths left the city in 1976 for Gloucester, where he still lives.

During the Cromwell Street investigation, he was responsible for preparation of the case papers, and was highly commended for his work.

Mr Griffiths was promoted to detective sergeant in 1986 and served in various roles until promotion to detective inspector in 2000.

He became secretary of the Police Federation for the Gloucestershire Constabulary two and a half years ago.

On receiving the MBE, he said: "It was something I never would have expected, but I am thrilled to have been recognised."

Mr Griffiths is married to Julie and has three children.

He said: "I'm still a Hereford lad at heart. In my younger years I played cricket for Burghill and Tillington and still keep up with how Hereford United are doing."