PEOPLE living close to a Hereford supermarket helped foil a raid on its petrol station.

They raised the alarm after hearing a disturbance at Tesco's Belmont store.

The raiders made off empty-handed after the incident at about 11.40pm on Sunday.

General manager Stephen Auty said: "We would like to offer our thanks to local residents who heard the alarm and called the police. They monitored what was going on and it proved to be very helpful.

"I don't know who spotted them but they helped us the best they could and gave some good statements."

Mr Auty added that the company is attempting to improve security on the site."The police attended very quickly and nothing was taken as the door held," he said.

A silver Peugeot was seen being driven without its lights on towards Abergavenny on the A465 after the incident.

Police want to trace two men. One is described as white, slim-to-medium build and around 5ft 7in tall. He was wearing a hooded top, with the hood up, and a pair of dark jeans. There is no description of the other man.

Neil Tipton, police press officer, said: "I'd like to echo the store manager's thanks to the people who called in."

l Another Hereford retailer was targeted a few hours later. Burglars broke into the Co-op on Holme Lacey Road in the early hours of Monday. Police believe two people were after cigarettes when they were disturbed. No cigarettes were taken but damage was caused to the store itself.

Anyone with information about either incident can contact police on 08457 444888.