FEARS have been raised about the future of a voluntary group that has taught thousands of Herefordshire people how to help save the lives of heart attack victims.

Herefordshire Heartstart is battling to survive after a £5,000 a year grant from Herefordshire Primary Care Trust was scrapped two years ago.

Co-ordinator Sue Davies said: "We are running the organisation on a shoestring. It would not function at all but for our instructors, who include paramedics and nurses, who give their time and don't claim expenses."

Jean Howard, of Herefordshire Primary Care Trust, said the trust funded Heartstart until two years ago when a new body, Herefordshire Community Foundation, took over allocation of grants for small schemes for the PCT.

But there could be some hope for the charity after foundation director David Barclay urged Heartstart to get in touch.

"I can't guarantee success, but we may be able to sort something out," he said.

The body, which became a charity in 1999, started in 1996 as part of a British Heart Foundation initiative.

A range of people - from the WI, Brownies and ramblers to parish councils and groups of villagers - have received instruction on dealing with an unconscious person, choking, bleeding and recognising and treating heart attacks.

Anyone interested in attending or organising a Heartstart course can call Sue Davies on 01432 880998 or sue@heartstart.plus.com