A HOTELIER has threatened to dump "a boot full of bottles" at the door of Herefordshire Council if they will not help him recycle glass.

Robin Biddlecombe, of the Pilgrim Hotel in Much Birch, says that for the last two years he has been asking the council to either collect the hotel's glass for recycling or provide it with a skip.

Mr Biddlecombe said: "Each week we overfill two large skips, and the majority of that is glass - we probably produce 30 to 40 times more glass waste than an average household, but the council refuses to help us because we are a business.

"We went to an exhibition sponsored by Herefordshire Council about making businesses greener, thinking great, this will tell us what we need to know', but it didn't give us any answers.

"You hear a lot about recycling but in my experience councils are some of the worst organisations for it, and when a business producing as much glass as we do is sending it all to landfill they do not want to help.

"I'm considering driving down to the council and dumping a boot full of bottles as a sort of protest".

Laura Preece, who is Herefordshire Council's recycling officer, said that the hotel's glass is classed as trade waste and so was not covered by the collection schemes, adding that companies such as Veolia existed to deal with business waste.

She said the council would provide the hotel with a skip to be kept on their car park, but this would have to be for domestic waste and be available for public use.