TORRENTIAL downpours failed to cast a cloud over the much anticipated visit of the royal couple to this year's Three Counties Show.

The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall attended the first day of this year's event - of which Herefordshire was the host county - and spent over three hours touring the grounds and talking to members of the public.

Among their duties for the day was the presentation of awards for long service to members of the Three Counties Agricultural Society.

This featured workers who had completed 30 years or more continuous service with the same employer and whose work was mainly agricultural or horticulture.

But just seconds before Prince Charles and The Duchess were due to greet the successful members, the heavens opened and bolts of lightening lit up the Worcestershire sky.

With drenched onlookers scurrying for cover, the couple valiantly carried on. Among notable winners were Malcolm Roberts, who has worked for the Dunne family at Gatley farms,Leinthall Earls, for 47 years and Hazel Jones, Anne Mansell and Russell Abell - all employed by Wyevale Nurseries for the last 30 years.

Soon after the awards were dished out, the royal couple left the grounds in the comfort of their private helicopter, while beneath them, thousands of onlookers prayed for a break in the weather.

Press officer Sharon Gilbert said last Friday that she thought the bad weather would hit the attendance figures and doubted the 100,000 visitor mark would be broken.

l Meanwhile, Herefordshire was well represented both in trade stands and agricultural displays.

Also out in force were county politicians who were able to see first hand the pride and importance of the rural communities in Herefordshire and beyond.

Sarah Carr, the Liberal Democrat's parliamentary candidate for Hereford and south Herefordshire, Jesse Norman, the Conservative's parliamentary candidate for the same area and Bill Wiggin, Leominster's Conservative MP were all present at the agricultural show.