TWO Bromyard men are embarking on the Three Peaks Challenge to raise funds for a cancer charity.

Nick Frost and Richard Harrison are hoping to raise £2,500 for the Breast Cancer Campaign by climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hours.

Nick, a relief plant manager, said: "There will be 60 of us in total from all over the country and we will be put into teams of 10, according to our levels of fitness."

Each team will have a guide from the army to help them complete the gruelling task, especially since the final section at Snowdon will take place at 2am.

Nick said: "I'm quite an active person and I wanted a challenge.

"We found the Three Peaks Challenge on the internet, contacted the charity and went from there."

So far, the pair have raised about £1,600, with sponsorship coming from many Bromyard companies, including Richard's employers Crash Airfield Trucks.

The charity Breast Cancer Campaign specialises in funding independent breast cancer research in the UK, and to sponsor the pair, call Nick on 07815 762114.