THE hundreds of people - many of them elderly - who receive day care through social services in the county are to have that care reviewed to ensure it is still meeting their needs.

Herefordshire Council's cabinet ordered the review as it voted through a proposed series of increases to charges for adult care.

Those clients directly affected by the increases will get their say over eight weeks of consultation.

Members wanted current day care provision put under the spotlight to ensure both council and clients were getting the best deal.

The new charges will directly affect around 400 people and the council says change is essential to even out the way care costs are covered, given projected demands of Herefordshire's fast-ageing population.

Councillor Olwyn Barnett, cabinet member for adult social care, told cabinet the "fairer charging" package reflected the actual cost of providing services. The new charges are the first rise in five years and cabinet heard there would be "winners and losers" as a result of the changes.

Home and day care are currently worth around £500,000 a year to the council - a net income that has fallen by a third over the past three years, with no corresponding drop in the number of clients or services needed.

Other care changes in the package backed by cabinet are: l Including occupational and private pensions in any financial assessment of care need.

l Including savings and capital between £13,000 and £21,500 in the financial assessment.

l Changes to the maximum weekly charge.

l Charging for major adaptations.

The charges - as proposed - are: l Home Care - up from £11.20 per hour to £13.40 per hour.

l Day Care - up from £2.90 per day/session to £7.30.

l Meals - up 10p from £2.40 per meal to £2.50.