FOR 39 years, John Hemmings has been helping to keep the roads of Herefordshire safer.

During that time, he has been one of the men responsible for testing lorries, buses and minibuses to ensure they are roadworthy and meet the highest safety standards.

He has tested many thousands of vehicles and made a host of friends, particularly in the haulage industry. And proof of the high esteem in which he is held came when about 100 people turned up to say farewell at his retirement party in Hereford.

John has known nothing else but vehicles all his working life and has been based at the government's testing station in Hereford for the whole of the time.

He started the job at the age of 21 and one of the first lorries he tested was owned by Peter Ball, who runs a plant and tipper hire business at Monkhide.

The last one to be given the once over on his final day was also that of Peter Ball.

"I arranged to be the last before he retired. I have great respect for John and his work over the years. He has always tried to be helpful and not to put you down," he said.

John, who lives at Winforton, followed his father Maurice into vehicle road testing. Maurice, now aged 92, was one time area vehicle manager and then station manager in Hereford before retiring in 1980.

John's son, Michael, has engines in his blood too, being a self-employed mechanic.

But it seems John will not be taking a break from vehicles during his retirement.

He and his wife Ruth both own and run Austin A40 Farinas and he has already been booked to restore two motor cycles, a mini pickup and tractor - not forgetting the gardening.