A PUBLIC-spirited Herefordshire woman who was a keen member of local clubs has died after a period of illness.

Margaret Hardy-Bishop, a keen member of the Women's Institute and Inner Wheel Club, died on June 9 after battling against cancer.

Mrs Hardy-Bishop, from How Caple, had lived in Herefordshire for 20 years and was a popular member of Fownhope's WI, serving variously as treasurer, secretary and president.

She represented the branch at the Albert Hall at the national conference in June 2000 when protests were made to Tony Blair. Sitting in the front row at the time of the protest her picture appeared on the front page of the national press.

A former teacher, she also shared her talents in painting, needlework, picture framing and embroidery.

Mrs Hardy-Bishop encouraged members at her monthly sewing parties and helped them create an attractive tapestry which hangs in Fownhope Church.

She was the current junior vice-president of the Inner Wheel Club of Hereford Wye Valley and was due to become its president next year.

In the last six years she fought bravely against breast and bone cancer, and also had two knee operations. She said that the help, kindness and nursing given to her at St Michael's Hospice were the most wonderful she could have received.

"It was her smile, charm and her overall ability that achieved so much," her husband Brian Hardy-Bishop said. "Her smile and positive attitude has kept her going throughout all these struggles."

Her funeral will take place at How Caple Church tomorrow (Friday) at 11.30am.