"Fantastic" - that was the verdict of George Harrison as he paddled his kayak into Hereford during the Regatta recently.

He had just completed a trip down the River Wye from Glasbury, the last stretch of a journey around the whole boundary of Herefordshire.

George, 37, had spent Whit weekend testing his strength to breaking point in his determination to raise money for the Macmillan Renton Cancer Unit Appeal and for Noah's Ark, an organisation set up locally to help children and young people after a family bereavement.

On the first day, George ran 26 miles along the border from Glasbury to Grosmont and then leapt on a bike for another 42 miles.

On the second day, it was a 100-mile cycle ride back to Glasbury ready for the river trip to end the journey.

George, who lives at Lugwardine, said his efforts had raised £5,000 so far, with cash still coming in.

He said it had been a tough challenge, but he had suffered no ill effects and would like to do it again one day - perhaps with a companion. Anyone who would like to support George's effort can visit www.tobreakingpoint.co.uk