A SHOW that has had audiences around the world reaching for their superlatives arrives in Malvern next week.

Le Grand Cirque arrives festooned with praise - "spellbinding", "magical...electrical...beyond belief", "an incredible spectacle" - and a cast of 50 world champion acrobats and performers from more than 15 countries.

"The performers in Le Grand Cirque cannot simply be classified as acrobats, dancers or jugglers," says David King, executive producer.

"They are first and foremost artists performing a visual poetry of unbelievable physical talent, excellent skill and first-class choreography."

Add beautiful costumes, dynamic lighting and instantly recognisable music and the result is mesmerising.

Le Grand Cirque runs at Malvern Theatres from Tuesday to Sunday, July 1. To book, call 01684 892277.