HEREFORDSHIRE residents have an opportunity to celebrate the county's archaeology at a special week of events.

Residents can learn more about Herefordshire's historic past at the event which ties in with National Archaeology Week.

The week of events, organised by Herefordshire Council, runs from Saturday July 21 to Saturday July 28.

The full programme of events is: A history mystery trail at Breinton Church. Residents can follow a historical detective trail around the church and churchyard of Breinton on Saturday July 21 from 1.30pm to 4.30pm.

Who built Hereford? A guided walk tracing the development of Hereford and its surrounds, from the Neolithic to the present day, drawing on archaeological and historical evidence on Sunday July 22 from 2.30pm to 4.30pm.

The old magic box: stories that artefacts tell. Join archaeologists at the Shire Hall, Hereford, in a journey through time as original artefacts are used to bring stories from the past to life on Monday July 23 from 2pm to 4pm.

Life in an Iron Age hill fort. Join archaeologists on a tour of Wapley Iron Age hill fort and its surrounds. Learn about the Iron Age community that used it and its development and preservation on Tuesday July 24 from 2.30pm to 5.30pm.

Archaeology in the pipeline. An illustrated talk at the Town Hall, Hereford, describes the archaeological discoveries unearthed along the route of the Brecon to Tirley gas pipeline on Wednesday July 25 from 2pm to 3.30pm.

Guided visit to Longtown Castle. Join the council's archaeologists for a short, guided walk around the imposing ruins of Longtown Castle and its surrounding areas on Thursday July 26 from 10am to noon.

The changing landscape of Herefordshire. This illustrated talk, at the Shire Hall, Hereford, will look at past environments and land use from the Neolithic to the present day on Friday July 27 from 10am to noon.

Historic townscape visit to Ross-on-Wye. This is a guided tour of the market town of Ross where people can hear about its rise and fall during the medieval and post-medieval periods on Saturday July 28 from 2pm to 3.30pm.

All events are free but booking is required. Contact Jacky Denovan on 01432 260470 or email to book a place.