CHRISTMAS is traditionally thought of as the time of year when the numbers of motorists found to be driving while over the drink drive limit is at its peak.

However, figures show a second peak occurs in the summer months when the weather is hot and motorists often drive out to country pubs to take advantage of the long summer evening and enjoy a relaxing drink.

To tackle this Herefordshire Council's road safety unit is launching a summer drink drive campaign.

Buses around the county will be displaying posters to make people aware of the carnage caused by drinking and driving.

Pubs and clubs in the county have also been sent posters with boxes in which to put the contact details of local taxi companies and the message "Having a drink? Order one of these."

Councillor Brian Wilcox, Herefordshire Council's cabinet member for highways and transportation, said: "Many people think drink driving is only a problem around the Christmas period but figures also show the long, summer evenings encourage motorists to drive to country pubs and back home even when they know they are over the limit.

"This campaign aims to highlight this problem and encourage anyone who is over the limit to take a taxi home instead of driving," he added.