ILLEGAL cigarettes have once again been discovered at Zabka in Hereford during a raid.

A total of 481 packets of illegal cigarettes and 15 pouches of illegal hand rolling tobacco were seized from the shop in Eign Gate yesterday.

And more illicit tobacco was discovered at another shop in the city - International Foods in Commercial Road. From here, 12,500 cigarettes and 9kg of hand rolling tobacco were seized.

Both shops have a history of illicit tobacco. A raid was carried out at International Foods in February and on Monday, the former owner of Zabka was fined for selling non UK-duty paid cigarettes and tobacco.

The multi agency operation yesterday involved the police, the fire service, Herefordshire Council Trading Standards and environmental health officers.

A BWY Canine officer and tobacco sniffer dog called Scamp uncovered the hidden cigarettes and tobacco, which were inside sophisticated concealments operated by electro magnetic and hydraulic systems.

The video shows Scamp finding cigarettes above a door in Zabka. 

Five people were arrested in connection with the possession and sale of illicit and smuggled tobacco.

The investigation is ongoing at this time.