TWO special flag-raising dedications took place in Hereford today (June 22) to mark Armed Forces Week.

Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire, The Dowager Countess of Darnley, led the tribute and flag-raising at Hereford's Suvla Barracks.

“On the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, General Sir Nick Carter, the Chief of the Defence Staff, said that we should honour the veterans by celebrating the values that helped them through the war, including teamwork, optimism, courage and sacrifice," Lady Darnley said.

“In the last three months our armed forces have more than met the General’s challenge, honouring the veterans by providing tremendous support to the NHS whilst also continuing to fulfil their defence tasks at home and around the world. The 20,000 members of the armed forces in the Covid Support Force have been at the heart of the national effort to combat the pandemic by designing and building the Nightingale Hospitals, supporting NHS planning staff with project expertise, reinforcing the NHS with some 600 clinical staff, and providing extensive logistic support.

“All this demonstrates the vital part the armed forces play in the life of our nation; their support is unquestioning, delivered with energy, expertise and a strong sense of selfless duty. Whilst recognising the invaluable support they are giving during this crisis, we must also remember the men and women actively serving this country across the world, in places of chaos, conflict and famine.”

The Lord Lieutenant was accompanied by armed forces representatives including Rear Admiral Philip Wilcocks, Major-General Arthur Denaro and Air Vice-Marshal Mike Smart.

Chairman of Herefordshire Council, councillor Sebastian Bowen, also paid tribute to the men and women of the armed forces community including serving armed forces, service families, reservists and veterans.

“At this time, we also remember the brave men and women who have been injured or paid the ultimate sacrifice in recent and past conflicts. I believe that every one of us, of every age, profession and way of life have a duty of care to respect and support of our armed forces,” coun Bowen said.

An Armed Forces flag will also fly throughout the week at Hereford County Hospital in tribute to members of staff who not only previously served their country but are now in frontline and essential roles at the Wye Valley Trust.

Erica Hermon, associate director of corporate governance for Wye Valley NHS Trust said the trust was proud to honour staff who previously served in the forces by raising the flag.

Erica also previously served in the RAF and is the trust’s board lead for the Armed Forces Covenant and support to veterans.

You can virtually #SaluteOurForces this Armed Forces Week by tagging @ArmedForcesDay on Twitter and Facebook.