A HEADTEACHER will be stepping down at the end of the academic year after 16 years at the helm of a Herefordshire school.

Having reached the age of 60, Hereford Cathedral School headmaster Paul Smith said he had thoroughly enjoyed his time at the school and will be sorry to be moving on, but that it seemed the right time for he and his wife to be planning their next adventure.

Since taking over from former headmaster Dr Howard Tomlinson in 2005, Mr Smith has led the school through a number of transformational developments, including initiating the recruitment of overseas students in 2012, which led to the opening of a new boarding house last year, now accommodating up to 29 students from across the globe.

In the earlier days of his headship, Mr Smith was responsible for developing the school’s sports and extra-curricular provision through new facilities and the appointment of assistant heads to oversee this important aspect of school life, and led the transformation of the school’s sixth form provision.

More recently, Mr Smith has led HCS through one of the most challenging periods for any school, introducing a remote learning programme in lockdown.

The outgoing head credits the success of the school to his “most important job” of appointing the right staff.

Mr Smith said: “I know that my successor will have the privilege of taking on a school in very good shape.

"Our numbers in the senior school are the highest in my time, and the recruitment for next year is already above where it was this time last year.

"The quality of teaching and support staff is probably the strongest it has been for many years, and the school enjoys the services of a very well-qualified and experienced governing body."

Chairman of Governors, Rear Admiral Philip Wilcocks, said: “While the governors fully appreciate his reasons, we are saddened by the headteacher’s decision to depart next year.

Mr Smith’s leadership of the school over the past 16 years has been, quite simply, outstanding.

His calm and measured style has been personified by his complete dedication to the school, our staff and, most importantly, to nearly three generations of students.

“Looking to the future, the board is focused now on selecting a worthy successor.

"Early discussions with recruiting consultants give us absolute confidence that we will have a highly capable and talented field from which to choose the headteacher’s successor.”