THE owners of a Herefordshire hotel have been ranked as one of the best companies to work for in the country.

The Coaching Inn Group, which runs The Feathers in Ledbury's High Street, has been ranked 21st in the Best Companies list, up from 44th last year.

Topping the large companies list, those employing between 200 and 1,999 people, was jewellers Beaverbooks.

Other well-known brands in the top 20 include Camelot, the company behind The National Lottery, car sales firm Motorpoint, and restaurant Hickory's Smokehouse.

Kevin Charity, chief executive of the group, which now operates eighteen hotels across the country said he was "chuffed to bits", especially as the survey was based on what employees thought.

“Being placed number 21 now is amazing and demonstrates that we’re punching well above our weight,” he said.

“We’ve become a very people focussed business over the past four years, just constantly maintaining that culture, keeping on improving and looking at what we can do better and how we as a management team can serve our people – that's been the key."

Anyone joining the company had a golden opportunity for advancement through its Rising Stars Programme, which encouraged team members to rise to the next stage by gaining hospitality industry qualifications.

“We also have our Chefs Academy which again encourages all those in the kitchen teams to advance though seeking further qualifications and organises visits to market gardens, farms and our other quality food sources,” he added.