A HEREFORDSHIRE care home has reclaimed its 'good' rating after being put into special measures by the Care Quality Commission.

Tithe Barn, near Ross-on-Wye, was rated 'inadequate' in all areas in an report published by the regulator in November 2019 after an inspection was prompted by a whistleblower’s concerns about the restrictive and controlling culture of staff at the home.

The home was rated as ‘inadequate’ in all key areas after the inspection found a raft of serious issues, including allegations that some staff were disrespectful and abusive.

The report said the home was not safe, effective, caring, responsive, or well-led. People were not treated with compassion and there were breaches of dignity, while staff attitudes had significant shortfalls.

READ MORE: Special measures for ‘inadequate’ care home

But in their latest report, published in August, the CQC said the home had made major improvements and was now 'good' in all areas.

"People's care needs were appropriately assessed. Staff had received specialist training to keep people safe

during times when behaviours became challenging," inspectors said, after carrying out an unannounced inspection.

"People were supported by staff who had been trained and understood how to protect people from abuse."

An area of serious concern in previous inspections, medicines management, had also been improved. Inspectors found safe arrangements were in place, with residents receiving their medicines as prescribed from trained staff.

Safe practices were in place to reduce the risk of infection, with PPE being appropriately worn and lessons learnt from accidents and incidents, and risks associated with people's needs and the environment were assessed and action taken to minimise possible harm.

And staffing, another issue highlighted by inspectors in 2019, had also been addressed, with more comprehensive training and the safety needs of staff and residents considered when staffing was planned.


Where 'significant shortfalls' were previously found with the approach of staff to caring and dignity, improvements were found.

"People were relaxed and comfortable with staff," the report said.

"Staff were now respectful and kind to people. We observed positive interactions between staff and people which enhanced people's lives."

Inspectors said residents were now supported to be as independent as they could be, encouraged to choose what they wanted to eat and which activities they wanted to do, and were supported to access health and support services.

The home has now been removed from special measures.