IN a shock move late yesterday (Wednesday), the Hereford-shire branch of the National Association of Head Teachers passed a vote of no confidence in Herefordshire Council's director of children's services Dr Sharon Menghini and her senior officers over the way the draft school plan had been managed and planned.

The move means the branch will oppose the proposals by "every means posssible", said branch secretary Julie Powell.

Thirty-two heads took part in the vote, with 31 supporting the no confidence motion and one abstaining.

The branch said: "As school leaders we appreciate the need for change. We are shocked by the sheer scale of the proposals and incensed by the method of presentation and apparent lack of forethought in the detail. We are astounded the authority has not anticipated the negative impact on the standards and achievement of our children that these proposals will have.

"There has been a clear disregard for the duty of care to employees and this is of great concern.

"Throughout the presentations it has become clear that officers were at a loss when pressed to justify the decisions, which were supported by questionable data.

"All professional associations will be working together to ensure that the future of education in Herefordshire and the children in our care will be at the forefront of decisions."